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Nandini Agro

Nandini Agro and Farming Company is Based in WadrafaNagar (Balarampur , Chhattisgarh).NAFC maintains a high standard in organic farming. More than 250 farmers are under conversion who are actually in their either 1st or 2nd year of certification process.A bond of trust and co-operation with farmers and customers is extremely important to promote organic farming in India.

Our company has the sole purpose to provide chemical free agri-products directly to its fixed consumers throughout the country. The company is directly working with around 1500 farmer families in Balrampur District of Chhattisgarh who used to grow native seeds with NPM (Non Pesticide Management) practices.


Food Processing

From our family farm right to your doorstep.


The company believes that instead of offering glamorous products to its esteemed customers, instead of giving them natural foods, flavored and nutritious foods.

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The inner part of the raw mud is made of wood, which does not warm the oil during the crushing of mustard, whereas most of the mustard oils available in the market are extracted from iron sprayer

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The company has set up mini pulse mill for lentil processing. Arhar lentils are a daily useful food rich in protein, hence the company thinks to provide peanut unpilled pulses to its customers

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Most of the turmeric powder available in the market is adulterated with flour / flour and rice leftovers, which is used only after the use of excessive quantity, as well as natural aroma

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nandini agro store


organic food products/ fruits are more sweeter/ nutritional and are tastier, better in quality as compared to the food products which are grown with chemical inputs.

Natural and Safe

Orgnic food is absolutely natural, fresh and packed with vital nutrients, pure, tastier and safer with Certifications and stringent food safety regulations.

Health Benfits

Organic food protects from heart disease and cancer as they contain phenolic compounds Helps in building strong immune system, preventing from diseases and curing illness thus helps to lead a healthy life.

Nutritional value

Organic fruits and vegetables contain up to 40% more antioxidants and figure is 60% for organic milk and milk products. Studies show higher nutrient levels in Organic foods and ensure high food quality.

Why choose

Nandini agro products?

Organic fruits and vegetables contain up to 40% more antioxidants and figure is 60% for organic milk and milk products. Studies show higher nutrient levels in Organic foods and ensure high food quality. Organic foods have potentially higher amount of biotoxins and antioxidants.

Adulteration in food products is another very important issue which every consumer wants to address and consume pure food. In almost all the food products adulteration not only in form of mixing of some other unwanted material is done but also food is adulterated in many other unknown ways, in channels from where it is harvested till it reaches us in packed form. i.e during processing, the way it is transported and in conditions it is packed. Organic ensures at each and every step right from its sowing to packaging that regulations are followed and food is in its pure and serene form.

Organic food products/ fruits are more sweeter/ nutritional and are tastier, better in quality as compared to the food products which are grown with chemical inputs.

Orgnic food is absolutely natural, fresh and packed with vital nutrients, pure, tastier and safer with Certifications and stringent food safety regulations.

Organic food protects from heart disease and cancer as they contain phenolic compounds Helps in building strong immune system, preventing from diseases and curing illness thus helps to lead a healthy life

Apparently, of all the pesticide sprayed on the crop, only 1% of it actually falls on the insect. 99% of it falls on the crop itself, gets absorbed in the soil, and/or water, gets carried a little distance by the wind etc. In this manner it gets into our food and thereby into us. Nature has its own way of keeping a balance and therefore each of these pests which destroy our crops, also have predators. So broadly speaking there are two kinds of pests, Beneficial and Harmful pest. Pesticides don’t distinguish between beneficial and harmful pests. It’s a poison, which kills both alike. With growing awareness of health concerns and what to consumer, Every consumer is looking for contamination & adulteration free food, to avoid HEALTH RISKS associated with food. Many so-called lifestyle diseases & ailments are being attributed & also linked to chemicals in foods used on the farms as fertilizers & pesticides.